Filing Fees & Waivers
Filing Fees & Waivers
There is not one uniform filing fee. Fees depend on case type and location. See Find a Court to learn more about which types of cases are filed where. Please read the detailed information provided for each type of court.
Circuit Court Fees
General District Court Fees
What to Do If You Cannot Afford Fees
If you are low income, you can use this form to ask the court for a fee waiver so you don't have to pay a filing fee This request must be approved by the judge. Ask your local court about its procedures for processing this form. If you do not qualify for a fee waiver, you will need to pay the necessary court fees.
There is an online self-help tool on the Virginia Legal Aid website that asks a series of questions about you and your situation. Read carefully so you know what documentation is needed before getting started. After you complete all the questions, the tool will automatically create your form, which you then print and take to the court. You can create a free account if you want to save answers and finish later.